Steven R. Southard, Poseidon's Scribe
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4/22/11 My story "A Sea-Fairy Tale" has been published in The New Fairy Tales Anthology by the Aurora Wolf Literary Journal.  It's available here.   

3/29/11 "Alexander's Odyssey" is now available for purchase herehere, here, and here.   
3/20/11  My story "Alexander's Odyssey" will be published again, this time in a rewritten, much longer format with more scenes and characters.  Denise Bartlett and Charlotte Holley at Gypsy Shadow Publishing will publish it as the third in my series of historical short stories called What Man Hath Wrought.  I'll let you know when it's available.  Here's the bold cover Charlotte created: 

3/17/11  Aurora of the Sun, by the Aurora Wolf Literary Journal, with my story "Seasteadia," is now available here.  Use purchase code  9RWWE4QP to get a $2 discount. 
3/3/11 My story "Seasteadia" is set to appear in the Aurora of the Sun anthology published by the Aurora Wolf Literary Journal.  What an attention-seizing cover!

12/14/10  My story "Blood in the River," within the Dead Bait anthology, got a good review on Amazon.  Asmodeus was reviewing the book, and favorably mentioned my tale:  "...Moving on, "Blood in the River" by Steven R. Southard features one of my favorite species in the entire animal kingdom, the candiru. If you're not familiar with candirus, they're pencil-thin catfish indigenous to the Amazon river that are famous for lodging themselves in human urethras. That's worth the price of admission by itself. And Southard combines one with a shape-shifting, human vampire. That's just wrong (but it feels so right)..."  Thank you very much, Asmodeus!
10/29/10  "Within Victorian Mists" is available at Gypsy Shadow Publishing and, in Kindle edition, at Amazon. 
10/14/10  Here's the wonderful cover Charlotte Holley created for my story, "Within Victorian Mists," soon to appear at Gypsy Shadow Publishing!
9/1/10  My story "Seasteadia" is now available at Aurora Wolf Literary Journal! 
8/21/10  Here's the irresistible cover developed for my story, "The Wind-Sphere Ship" by artist Charlotte Holley.  The story is available for purchase at Gypsy Shadow Publishing.  It's also available in Kindle format on Amazon.
 8/1/10  "A Sea-Fairy Tale" is now available at Aurora Wolf Literary Journal!
7/27/10  My story "Seasteadia" has been accepted for publication by Aurora Wolf Literary Journal!
7/17/10  My steampunk romance story, "Within Victorian Mists," has been accepted for publication by Gypsy Shadow Publishing! 
7/6/10  My story, "A Sea-Fairy Tale" has been accepted for publication by Aurora Wolf Literary Journal!
6/30/10  Wow!  Gypsy Shadow Publishing is planning to publish a series of my historical short stories as e-books, and then publish the entire collection as a print book.  The book is tentatively titled, What Man Hath Wrought.  Stay tuned for more news on that as it develops. 
4/3/10  My story "The Wind-Sphere Ship" has been accepted for publication by Gypsy Shadow Publishing!
3/19/10  My story "Blood in the River" from Dead Bait got a good review here.  
3/12/10  The Quest for Atlantis, published by Pill Hill Press, with my story "The Vessel," is now available at Amazon.
3/5/10  My story, "The Vessel," has been accepted by Pill Hill Press for their upcoming anthology, The Quest for Atlantis.  
2/27/10 At the Crossroads Writing Conference in Macon, GA, I read from my story "Within Victorian Mists."  Picture of me reading here.  I appeared with other steampunk authors Emilie P. Bush, Kathryn Hinds, Alexander White, Lainey Welsch, Dwayne DeBardelaben, and Austin Sirkin. 
2/7/10  2012 AD, published by Severed Press, with my story "The Finality" is now available at Amazon!  You probably should get a copy before...well, before time runs out!
1/14/10  "The Steam Elephant" is now available at and at Mobipocket ebooks.  It's in Steampunk Tales, Issue 5, and here's the cover:
12/3/09  My story "The Steam Elephant" has been accepted for publication in Issue 5 of Steampunk Tales. 
9/20/09  Dead Bait (with my story "Blood in the River") is available at Amazon!
9/15/09  Here's the cover of Dead Bait, the anthology by Severed Press in which my story "Blood in the River" will appear:
7/31/09  My story "The Finality" has been accepted by Severed Press for publication in their 2012AD anthology. 
6/28/09  "The Sea-Wagon of Yantai got a good review at You Gotta Read Reviews! 
6/13/09  "The Sea-Wagon of Yantai" is now available in print version at Amazon!
6/7/09  Eternal Press has launched my story, "The Sea-Wagon of Yantai."  It's also available at Mobipocket eBooks and CyberRead.  
 ... and look at the wonderful, eye-catching cover that Amanda Kelsey at Eternal Press has created for the story:
2/8/09  My first horror story, "Blood in the River," got accepted by Severed Press for their forthcoming anthology Dead Bait.  
1/1/09  The anthology Magic & Mechanica, containing my short story "Alexander's Odyssey,"  has been published by Ricasso Press and is available at Ricasso Press, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble, and here's the cover: